فارسی عربي

ifilm TV to air finale for ‘Sometimes Look Back at Your Life’

ifilm English TV is to air finale for the series ‘Sometimes Look Back at Your Life’ on Tuesday.

ifilm English channel has set to air final episode for the series ‘Sometimes Look Back at Your Life’ on Tuesday night.

The final episode for the series, produced by Reza Ansarian and directed by Maziar Miri, will be aired on August 27, 2019.

In the series, after Firouz and Mohtasham excavate a golden antique statue out of the ground, they decide to smuggle it out of the country in a truck hidden among some humanitarian aid organized by somebody named Jalal Tabesh.

But they have an accident and their truck gets overturns and the golden statue disappears without any trace.

Twenty-five years later Firouz's son, Mohammad-Reza, who believes Jalal is the man behind the disappearance of the antique statue and the misery and suffering that has befallen his family, decides to get revenge and destroy everything that he holds dear in his life.

On the other hand, Jalal and his family, who have no clue of what’s about to happen to them and their business, try their best to stay united and deal with their problems.

But they don't know who they are up against and how complicated and serious the problems they will have to face in the near future are going to be.

Notable among the cast are Amin Tarokh, Hedayat Hashemi, Bahareh Kian-Afshar, Hamid Ebrahimi, Mohammad Motevasselani, Saeed Changizian, Elika Abdolrazzaqi, Negar Abedi, Milad Rahimi, and Amir Karbalaeezadeh.

‘Sometimes Look Back at Your Life’, produced in 2014, will be replaced by ‘Father’s House’ made by Fereydoun Hassanpour.

